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Showing posts from December, 2015


才說網路攻城獅喜歡CLI, C就搞一個用GUI管網路的架構(API也可啦) 看完packet flow, 只能說一堆疑問, 真要除錯(沒有不出錯的盒子), 要有 debug command吧  ,

是這麼搞的 開始讀ACI, 我以為是像NSX類似的架構. 至少還是網路咖可以理解的 範圍, 我錯了, 沒什麼 routing/switching的東西, 這一個矩陣就可看做一個 交換機, 裡面怎麼跑不要你管,  用就是了


L2 交換這件事又讓我嚇一跳, 原來vPC/MCT/MC-LAG/MLAG是被拿來 幹L2的multipath多路徑 果然不能只聽一家之言, 這招看來是最普遍的(也最XX) 還有一堆技術 L2的 -TRILL ( fabricpath , VCS) -SPB (PBB變種) -SPB+ -IRF - stacking(專屬) -802.1BR port extender L3 - 把bgp routing/EVPN請進data center來

有趣!但還是太貴了 Airconsole 2.0 is our popular portable, battery powered, RS232 Serial over WIFI and Bluetooth Adaptor. Designed to be seamlessly used with Mobile Apps on iOS, Android and also on PC, MAC OSX and Linux, Airconsole provides flexible and convenient access to physical Serial and Ethernet ports from devices (such as iPads and iPhones) that have only WIFI or Bluetooth interfaces.

MUST read! network engineer A Purpose-built Global Network: Google's Move to SDN A discussion with Amin Vahdat, David Clark, and Jennifer Rexford 網路設備廠的噩夢, 連internet-facing的router也要自幹了 - we quickly concluded that a centralized view of global demand would allow us to make better decisions more rapidly than would be possible with a fully decentralized protocol. >>全域智能 - Our biggest frustration was that hardware and software were typically bundled together into a single platform, which basically left you at the mercy of certain vendors to come up with any of the new features you needed to meet requirements already confronting you. >>不爽 -What's more, buying a bundled solution from a vendor meant buying all the capabilities any customer of that vendor might want, with respect to both hardware and software. >> 一張專輯只要其中幾首歌的概念 -we realized decentralized protocols wouldn't necessarily give us predictability and control over o

SP的SDN前路 仔細想全自建SDN的導入, 真的只有原生於internet的hyperscale大咖 能自幹,  連ATT都不見得能算是, 其他人就別想了 為什麼? 自建SDN基本上是軟加硬的全面整合計畫,  從設計到實做到測試 全得自己來 解決方案和設備供應商就別想hyperscale業者了, 不是hyperscale業者的也別 想全部自己來了, 你不會想上網還要自己寫一個OS


Scipass- Science DMZ 2.0 原先Science DMZ的概念就是把科研與一般上網服務的流量隔離 其實就是避開L4-7設備的瓶頸, Scipass引入SDN的概念, 將分析後的 智能反饋回網路控制 一如SDN的進展,  現在只是剛開始而已 當然有時間差 , 但是網路速度和 L4-7設備的進展(當然和價位有關, 100G的 IPS要多少錢)落差只會越來越大 , 立即攔下威脅的好處和可能性也越來越低了


威脅是真的 但客戶還是只能用嚇的 除非要當很專的malware研究員 不然就別看組合語言的相關內容了 知道原理就好了 知道了也不會用的更好 安全大多只是信心罷了 廣度雜度是必備的 OS  protocols authentication,  就一個active directory就可以把你玩死 ......


明明是網路設備業者的大肥羊 偏偏都選擇自己來 更可怕的是玩的還比你好很多 反到是你得向他拜師學藝