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Showing posts from November, 2016


- DPI probe終究是無用的  因為SSL everywhere - SSL decryption  只有用在enterprise 電信公司就別想了 SSL everywhere 只是web scale公司的陽謀 - 電信公司終究是會死透的 -  decoupled control plane只在特定場景有效, distributed才能讓你不被煮熟 -  bye openflow


Software or Hardware: China Telcos Tell Huawei to Decide "If you do software your value is much higher than with hardware," he said. With the growth of open source in telecoms, "you don't need to reinvent the wheel. You just add your own things on top." "Huawei should not have the mindset that customers will buy hardware and software together. If you go down this path you may run into problems in ten years or so."  Huawei faced the question of whether it "becomes a software integrator or a hardware manufacturer."