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Showing posts from February, 2020

NANOG 78 two keynotes

Failing Last and Failing Least: Design Principle of High Available Network KEYNOTE: Amin Vahdat to myself and most people : " you are not Google" Networking 3.0 KEYNOTE: Bikash Koley 知道自己在那裡<階段>是很重要的 但是很難 總結得太好了 networking 1.0 connection led - SDH/ATM/MPLS/VPN... scale-up closed human operatd networking 2.0 data-led : OTT-google/FB.... scale-out : MTBF/software makes system reliable software defined : common software platform/API/programmable/separation of DP/CP automated networking 3.0 application-led disaggregated Open self-driving : ML/intend driven from human-workflow-event-machine-intent SRE operated the infrastructure

基于Envoy的流量劫持的企业分布式服务平台访问设计 基于Envoy的流量劫持的企业分布式服务平台访问设计。该服务平台基于互联网公司成熟度较高的分布式服务技术实施及管理框架产品,使用了Service Mesh和Istio的相关技术架构,Envoy和iptables结合,相关TCP数据包流量被“在NAT表的自定义的几个链”重新“映射”、“劫持”、“路由”,实现应用服务实例之间的高可用通信。

inspire old dog to learn new stuff On teaching others: "I usually try to explain things based on the fundamentals, and then break down the technology until we get to the bottom. So, whenever something new comes out, my guess is it’s not going to change how we do computing. That hasn’t changed in a long time … Once you learn the three, four, five basic fundamentals, then you just look at the new technology, and you just work your way down."