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Showing posts from January, 2016

另一個全控制的fabric , 跟ACI well...... 有空還是要玩玩看, 一個是全專屬架構,有了rest API和controller就說自己是SDN了 另一個是whitebox switch+agent, 也是自己的controller, 看從何角度看 ARP還好, 實體機或虛機接入就有agent來看 OAM才是挑戰 The only way to solve this one is to run some OAM protocol between adjacent switches, and doing that through the controller every 100 msec with  packet-out  and  packet-in  messages won’t get you very far in terms of scalability.


Security firewall ngfw ips swg apt sandbox waf adc lb slb llb http cache proxy diameter backhaul fronthaul ipsec dmvpn openflow p4 openstack vmware vcenter nsx neutron coreos karaf opendaylight onos slicing wireshark apm rum elk snort bro fabric nbi sbi netconf yang md sal python go dpi openvswitch vxlan urlf linux docker pentest aci vpc ryu R kvm JS json MPLS NFV MANO

SSL inbound/outbound MITM SSL outbound全解一定是必定的方向, 在入口和出口又搞一堆三明治 (router/switch/ADC/SLB sandwich) FW/IDP一開SSL decrypted效能就掉80% 基本上是無用的 inbound依調查看來是有90%, 但不必是為了安全, 多是為了offload SSL pinning 又防MITM, 然後又搞whitelist, 搞安全真是追來追去團團轉