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Showing posts from July, 2021

非常酸阿 "開藍寶堅尼的牙醫,是一位貝佐斯。任何從事商業地產行業的人也是一位貝佐斯,他剛剛開始了他的第一次婚外情,就開始剃掉自己不應該剃光的部位。 在我決定嘗試穿戴腰包和一件盜版Dior短褲的那天,我變成了一位貝佐斯。 假裝自己是一位品酒家,這讓許多人成為了貝佐斯。決定經營一家金融服務公司不足以算是成就,這 也是 一位貝佐斯;一位貝佐斯會認為,人們真正需要的是在週末做一份兼職工作,作為熱帶浩室音樂和電音DJ。 如果你第一次去火人節(Burning Man)旅行回來是在50歲的時候,那麼你正在危險地接近貝佐斯的領地。"

<紀錄> 雲端上的 VM,老闆只需買低階電腦給你 Windows 365 isn’t designed for the consumer market. Instead, it’s for companies and enterprises that need to deploy a network over a large area. It’s also designed to allow businesses to utilize computing power as they see fit. The cloud PC will revolutionize business computing. Companies no longer need to spend on high-end systems to satisfy the needs of their people. They only need a reliable internet connection and an entry-level computer as a client to Windows 365. Best of all, businesses can subscribe to this service monthly. They don’t have to invest large sums to get computers that they might not use 100 percent of the time. With the cloud PC, they can purchase computing power as they need. This allows them to be more efficient with the use of their resources.

CNI 的選擇

  今天才來細看cilium (和calico) 感覺cilium 背後的商業公司isovalent 沒打算弄一個能讓網路與安全公司都能共榮的生態圈,而是想全吃阿 ( 和NSX套路一樣,CEO 也是前Nicira的人,遲早這兩位也要打一架) - 和istio 整合,但把envoy 廢了 - 支援 external LB Maglev,想吃ADC/LB - 支援L3-L7處理,想把NGFW/ API GW..... - 都在kernel 弄完 - 先和calico 打一架,練習一下

HTTP 已經是必備常識了 : 但這領域竟然沒有一本權威的實體書 HTTP: The Definitive Guide: The Definitive Guide (Definitive Guides) 1st Edition 就別提了 2009的書 High Performance Browser Networking: What every web developer should know about networking and web performance 1st Edition 也許這本ok 但沒有很細 比較進階