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Showing posts from June, 2016

物理網工末日 之前跟美国的网工聊, 他们的团队原来是一个团队围着一堆设备去工作,现在是这个团队拆散了,就每个人都成了专家,他去到各个业务部门去提供IT服务。 从业务部门看到的应用场景,再联系现有的网络场景就可以很快的定位到问题,这是很高级的服务,当然也可以去根据业务本身写一些应用来解决问题,这样可以更好的帮助业务部门去理解网络。最后他们就可能在同一个办公室办公了, 这就是网络在刷存在感 。 很可能最后做网络的人比做业务的人还懂业务,他们看到的是全局,而业务看到的只是局部。 其实这种变化是很多做网络的人想看到的,这样他们做的事情就变的更高级。我就是做网络的,这也是我们作为网络人的诉求。之前S DN概念刚出来时要做自动化运维,但我们在实践中慢慢总结到这种思想不对,其实聪明的还是人类,我们要把重心放到人身上 。云杉说:技术创造价值。但怎样创造价值,怎样创造正确的价值是我们要思考的。记得当时在2012年的ONS大会上,G oogle华丽的展示他们SDN的优势,自动化的优势 。当时一个Cisco的老网工说我们后面做什么, Google很高调的说管不着 ,当时现场就安静了。所以说我们的技术价值要和人连接起来,让人发挥更重要的作用。 其实说到OpenFlow,我们也很感慨,到现在对OpenFlow还有很多人不赞同。其实OpenFlow的价值就在于他打开了一扇门,可以让我们在x86设备上快速的部署应用。它其实是定义了你对网络里最细粒度的控制,这已经是一个极限,这种思想已经给我们的思维方式带来了改变。从这个角度说来,OpenFlow的使命已经完成了。其实云杉的DeepFlow可以形容为后OpenFlow时代,最重要的是把应用的信息加入到网络的信息组成中,一个用户的业务信息都包含在Application flow,而用Net flow描述基础的网络信息。这样Net flow + Application flow = DeepFlow,它基本上已经把描述网络流量全部信息就已经全涵盖了。这样网络和应用就天然结合了 It’s time to virtualize the network. 2011 It’s time to develop SDN applications. 2016

光腳網路 - still long way to go , but it is coming By eliminating the tyranny of fixed-function switch chips, Barefoot's Tofino empowers software developers to program their network in much the same way they program a computer. Tofino provides the first programmable forwarding plane ,  "The basic fixed-function switch architecture was set in 1996 and has remained unchanged for twenty years," noted Nick McKeown, co-founder and chief scientist at Barefoot Networks. " Yet everything else in the data center changed. We went from monolithic software to VMs and then to containers and fully distributed applications. With the rise of the cloud, data center traffic patterns changed as did the role of the data center. How could a 1996 switching architecture be the right foundation for 2016's applications? In all other parts of the data center we have moved to programmability . Tofino enables t

making networks ‘session aware’ and ‘deterministic This has many limitations that the industry has built a bunch of workarounds for. That’s why we have load balancers, firewalls, network address translation, deep packet inspection, MPLS and several other technologies. Here is where the problem is: Whenever a network needs to be changed, sometimes one or maybe all of these need to be touched, and performance is often still degraded because the “shortest path” may not be the best path. Routers need to be more than packet-pushers 128 Technology is trying to make networks “session aware” and deterministic. What that means is routers can’t simply be packet pushers and take a packet in and forward it on to the next hop. Right now packets are sent off everywhere and then reassembled when they reach the destination. Any packets going down a bad path are marked as lost and then retransmitted. This can be hell on networks and can ca