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Showing posts from October, 2021

需要時就完整照KEY 一次(說撸也行) 這個年代 真的沒有學不會的 但大多是自己真不想學

Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career 超速學習:我這樣做,一個月學會素描,一年學會四種語言,完成MIT四年課程

的確,programmer 就是要有解問題的鬥志 The hidden truth: coding is not for everyone (indeed) 1. Searching for the perfect curriculum 尋找best practice 的企圖 (I am too old to practice and try & error) 3. Trying to reach the advanced level from day 1 9. Not being good at problem-solving skills

facebook outage : 整件事就是BGP的錯誤配置,不關DNS的事歐

 實 在看的眼睛很痛,FB掛點後,很多人把BGP advertisements翻譯成BGP廣播,廣播在網工眼裡有特別的意義的(broadcast),字義上的廣播也有持續發送的意思,在BGP路由宣告是不可能這樣的,現在IPv4全球的路由有86萬筆了,BGP路由宣告只有在變動時才會更新給peer(incremental update) 這篇算是最完整的了,用的術語比較準確 (但還是錯, "DNS, or directory name services" 是 Domain Name System) -自建的DNS在網路裡,整個網路不通 , DNS 客戶解析不到可以理解 -And when server availability went to zero because the network went down, they decommissioned all their DNS servers.” 但網路不通為何要把DNS server下線(用路由撤回的方式)呢,怕太大量解析搞掛嗎? "DNS was a single point of failure" 我覺得這次事件的重點是DNS,巡檢命令竟然會改設定,審計防錯機制再失效都還是SOP的事, 在架構面上, 內網服務用的DNS和讓外部查詢的DNS是同一個系統,就是很大的問題 "For example, Amazon, whose AWS offers a DNS service, uses two external services—Dyn and UltraDNS—for its DNS, according to Medina." 在AW