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Showing posts from December, 2016

MITM 一次就夠

一般企業由內向外的流量可以這麼幹 外部來的可能ssl offload就能將解密流量交給WAF來幹

FPGA in networking - turbo flex as example In addition, an FPGA can respond to traffic with bounded latencies, ensuring that traffic can be handled appropriately and with a uniform performance level, even under load—unlike a CPU, where software performance can vary as other software vies for the same CPU resources. Specifically, when software is used to direct traffic and the CPU is under load, such as during a DDoS or SSL negotiation attack, the CPU and software responsiveness decreases, reducing the ability of the ADC to manage the attack. Conversely, when an FPGA directs traffic, it will respond predictably, regardless of the load on the CPU

SLB vs NGFW 哪個在前面

Encryption and DPI The company said that it expected as much as 80% of data on some mobile networks may be encrypted by the end of 2016, with 70% of all  internet traffic encrypted by the end of 2016. “trusted proxies” It is unsurprising that the web and app communities are unwilling to consider “trusted proxies”, firstly as there’s a general dislike of proxies, and secondly because that trust has been abused in the past.”  DPI platforms cannot break the encryption and look inside the packets. >> SSL inspection ( aka MITM) only applied in controlled environment as enterprise could control gateways ,endpoints and certificate policy. In order to think about how a DPI platform can function in an environm

LTE is not based on CDMA

Why no Soft Handover in LTE ? Orthogonality in LTE Cell-edge reception (which was at the core of Soft HO design in WCDMA) issue is not quite applicable in LTE networks because of orthogonality in both uplink and downlink. Therefore soft handover can be dropped from the LTE system.

gRPC streaming gRPC is based around the idea of defining a service, specifying the methods that can be called remotely with their parameters and return types On the server side, the server implements this interface and runs a gRPC server to handle client calls. On the client side, the client has a stub (referred to as just a client in some languages) that provides the same methods as the server. <1>  define the structure for the data you want to serialize in a  proto file : this is an ordinary text file with a  .proto  extension homework

The Network Gear Economy Is Becoming Commoditized no single vendor of vertically-integrated network gear is capable of responding to architecture-centered network problems within a timeframe any narrower than six months. “Vertically-integrated networking equipment, where the ASICs, the hardware, these protocol stacks [ were ] supplied by single companies, is [ like ] the way the mainframe used to dominate servers,” said Hamilton. “If you look at where the networking world is, it’s sort of where the server world was 20 or 30 years ago.  It started out with, you buy a mainframe. . . and that’s it.  And it comes from all one company.  The networking world is the same place.  And we know what happened in the server world:  As soon as you chop up these vertical stacks, you’ve got companies focused on every layer, and they’re innovating together, and they’re all competing.  You can get great things happening.” In certain f

大家只能吃屑屑 Nevertheless, a number of telcos believe a WIC will at some point buy a Tier 1 operator. About a quarter of the telco respondents to Heavy Reading's survey said this would "definitely" happen. And according to Donegan, not a single respondent said that it "definitely" would not.

Lessons From Defending The Indefensible

real use case for openflow really hard to: Detect non-trivial link failures in milliseconds (that’s why we have BFD); Respond to real-time events in reasonable timeframe; Respond to control-plane requests (ARP/ND) from a very large number of hosts; Run chatty edge protocols (LLCP, LACP, STP …) on a large number of ports. extensions to OpenFlow,but lost  interoperability fancy programmable patch panel <厲害 , 命名專家> not require control-plane protocols,  not time-sensitive  no real-time response to failures No control-plane protocols; No real-time response to topology change events; No real-time response to link failures. You’d either use a single uplink or a pre-computed backup path. programmable ACL/PBR” <厲害 , 命名專家> Programmable traffic tapping Flexible endpoint (host) authentication Per-user packet filters installed into edge devices Interesting load balancing scenarios of long-live


Software "X"

這必須是長期承諾 甲方只頤指氣使供應商是無用的 當客戶需要的能以"指數"的乘數提供時 他人完整的平台也完成時 這障礙不是想追就成的 乙方也得想想 當甲方必死無疑時 自己的活命的浮木是什麼

不能變身OTT 的telco終究是要死透的 等死吧 中韓日的telco都至少有roadmap 那........ bit commoditization Bandwidth isn’t intrinsically valuable to consumers or businesses—it’s a resource they can harness to do something that  is valuable. transformation future of network operators is to look more like OTTs  That platform may then utilize connection services differently, but the platform transformation has to come first If you run a network and provide connection services using fiber or copper, mobile or satellite, IP or Ethernet or maybe even TDM, then you have the same basic challenge of bandwidth commoditization.  How do you meet that challenge?  You reduce current service cost and you chase new service revenues.  How do you do that?  You evolve from a business model of connecting stuff (which provably means you connect your OTT competitors to customers and disintermediate yourself) to being the stuff that users want to connect with.