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不能變身OTT 的telco終究是要死透的 等死吧


bit commoditization
Bandwidth isn’t intrinsically valuable to consumers or businesses—it’s a resource they can harness to do something that isvaluable.
transformation future of network operators is to look more like OTTs
 That platform may then utilize connection services differently, but the platform transformation has to come first
If you run a network and provide connection services using fiber or copper, mobile or satellite, IP or Ethernet or maybe even TDM, then you have the same basic challenge of bandwidth commoditization. 

How do you meet that challenge?  You reduce current service cost and you chase new service revenues.  How do you do that?  You evolve from a business model of connecting stuff (which provably means you connect your OTT competitors to customers and disintermediate yourself) to being the stuff that users want to connect with. 


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