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台灣 IPv4核發分配情形

中華約六成 台哥6.4% 泛遠傳7.6% 台哥和泛遠傳約是中華的1/8 或 1/9 教育13.5% 政府6.1% 資料來源

NFV + 硬件加速? 這篇完整了總結了NFV在這幾年的進展 沒啥進展還是因為沒需求 其實telco不是不喜硬件加速, 而是不喜lock-in 如有不"太"lock-in的硬件加速方案, telco也是ok的 而且, 能不喜lock-in這事, 也是NFV或新服務還能拖的緣故 如果已經火燒屁股了, lock-in方案也是得行的 此外,原先" NFV!=IT公有云"的假設也已改變了 公有云也已不等於 COTS和白牌了 長期來看, 想擺脫 硬件加速只靠通用硬件, 我想是不可能的 依據運用場景的不同, 使用 硬件加速是不能避免的 (不然不會有各廠家有如此百花齊放的方案) 原有虛擬平台的彈性光一個SRIOV就可引入一堆限制 再思考MS的FPGA方案, 我想一個旁掛"池"化的 硬件加速 用在NFV場景, telco是能接受的 不過, 又要回到那句話 "你不是A/F/M/G" 還有 這句真有意思 " 游戏软件与显卡具有性能方面的强依赖性,但游戏公司从来不自己做显卡"


Destroy Windows 10 Completely

Destroy Windows 10 Completely

P4 Runtime: Putting the Control Plane in Charge of the Forwarding Plane

P4 Runtime: Putting the Control Plane in Charge of the F orwarding Plane

也許 edge computing 是telco的唯一差別 但是 佔好位置後  腦子也要對 IoT sensor data monitoring and analysis Retail customer behavior analysis Mobile data thinning Compliance analysis at financial branch locations Remote monitoring and analysis for oil and gas operations

Web-Scale 和 Telcos 就是不同 但telco要能存活一定要學webscale Tom Anschutz:  They have, so I would say "yes" overall. A lot of what they've done, in terms of microservices, is focusing on a sort of computer service model, rather than a functional entity model, which is really core to the whole transition into microservices as  VNFs . That's sort of the big thing. They've [web-scale companies] also improved operational efficiency and what I would call maybe "business efficiency" as well. But in other cases, we don't have as much of an alignment with the large web services companies. Notably, their business typology, or their infrastructure typology, is significantly different. They remain on the bleeding edge of buying more servers, and putting them into a small number of very large locations. They keep taking the technology in one direction, one that we're not close to needing or being at. The fact

still someone in faith on networking Amin Vahdat : We are in a golden age of networking. I won’t tell you the specifics in terms of where we are in our transition plan, but it is an exciting time to be doing networking. For the first time in a long time we have startups in this space. You know it’s funny though, at the same time though the processor speeds are slowing down, or improvements are slowing down, but networking is not really showing signs of slowing. And for me that actually points to a really big opportunity because I think that actually networking is going to be central to improving computing performance overall by enabling us, basically, to leverage more parallelism across servers.

NFV/VNF deployment nightmare 0/using-network-break-server-silos/ demultiplexing layer between networks and the destination VM or VNF Virtio DPDK Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) when SR-IOV is implemented with traditional NICs, the networking services provided by the OVS and vRouter datapaths in kernel or user space are not available to the VMs.

1GB可用多久? 看這篇才對   1GB 大約可以傳送約 7,500 次,長達 5 天的語音訊息。   1GB 大約可以純瀏覽動態 8 小時   1GB 大約可連續聽 11 小時的 Apple Music。   Spotify 與 KKBOX 同為 320Kbps MP3 格式,而 Apple Music 則是 256Kbps AAC 格式 以 YouTube App 觀看長度 3:30 的 MV,4G 自動選擇畫質,目測約 720P,網路流量使用為 64.1 MB。換算下來,  1GB 可以觀看 16 部相同長度的 YouTube 影片

buzzwords Cloud Workload Protection Platform - CWPP RemoteBrowser Software-defined perimeters Cloudaccess security brokers - CASBs OSS security scanning and software composition analysis for DevSecOps

so many devices

so mean but kinda true Many Cisco employees say “SDN really stands for ‘still does nothing.’ But we think it might actually stand for security-defined networking,” he said. still does nothing security-defined networking

talent pursuits game

Open Sores: Are Telcos on a Collision Course With Vendors? 這終究是專業是否要去你那, 要自己整合, 就要自己有專長 自己搞open source, 出事是沒人可以罵的

自己來的可能性 如果你不是G/F/A/M ,我看也就別想了 telcos  終究不是web scale titans 生意也不同 除非全世界的生意都被G/F/A/M吃光了 不然還是有飯吃的 還有 要整合都得從coding開始的話就真的太瞎了 沒生產力

激進的創造力,非理性的原創性 那麼,可能我們需要考慮相反的一個極端:激進的創造力,非理性的原創性,甚至是毫無邏輯的慵懶,而非頑固的邏輯。到目前為止,機器還很難模仿人的這些特質:懷著信仰放手一搏,機器無法預測的隨意性,但又不是簡單的隨機。他們感到困難的地方正是我們的機會。

frictions 張裕敏提到,有些無人機內建無線網路基地臺(也稱AP基地臺),駭客如果要竊取個人或企業資料,可利用無人機飛到特定地點,提供不設密碼的假AP給大眾上網,引誘使用者連線無人機AP基地臺,駭客鎖定已連線的無線裝置發動ARP spoof攻擊,就能夠接管無線裝置,並且順利取得使用者裝置的內部資料。相反地,有些駭客刻意連線無人機,趁機搶劫正在載送的貨物。目前亞馬遜(Amazon)在2年前已經研發一項 專利技術 ,無人機利用偵測接收數據訊息的內容,判斷是否為駭客入侵的訊號,來避免無人機在運送貨品過程中,遭到駭客中途攔截。


Red Armor

CORSA Red Armor 面向量的(volumetric) 的攻擊 - 非stateful 強力過濾器 外部介面有BGP flowspec 規則更新12,000 mods/sec (夠快嗎) Rules / ACLs 192,000 to 387,000  每條規則都能rate-limit ( 但對web based application 也是傷害) whitepaper  可看看, 算是市場上防御手段的總結 不過 , 攻擊流量已到家門了 , 還有100G , 聯外有100G嗎

Why FPGA? 计算密集型任务和通信密集型任务 天生有延迟方面的优势 灵活性可以保护投资 保持数据中心的同构性 对通信密集型任务,优势更大 DPDK 4~5 微秒 ( undeterministic, depends on loading)  稳定又极低的延迟,适用于流式的计算密集型任务和通信密集型任务 为了加速网络功能和存储虚拟化,微软把 FPGA 部署在网卡和交换机之间